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  • Adalind

How to Craft Your Own Distinctive Picture Frame: A Step-by-Step Guide

Updated: Jun 1

Transform an ordinary thrift store wooden frame into a charming industrial farmhouse showcase for your cherished family memories.

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In the realm of home decor, few things rival the sentimental charm of family photos. Whether they capture the laughter of your children or the timeless faces of ancestors from decades past, these images serve as touching reminders of the people closest to our hearts. Even if distance separates us or time has taken them away, a single photograph possesses the remarkable ability to whisk us back to moments filled with joy, love, and cherished memories. Such treasures are invaluable.

Yet, as much as we love decorating our spaces with framed photos, there comes a point where wall space dwindles, leaving us looking for new ways to showcase our beloved snapshots.

The process is simple!


  1. Picture frame of your choice (with glass removed)

  2. Hardware Cloth (or Chicken Wire)

  3. Staple Gun

  4. Mini Clothes Pins

I used hardware cloth and armed with wire cutters (and perhaps a pair of gloves to avoid getting poked by the wire), I measured and snipped the cloth to fit snugly within the frame's edges.

Need help styling a space? Simply upload a photo of your room, exterior space, or garden, and the AI will redesign or design it from scratch with the style of your choice. Check it out!

And there you have it—a charming framed message board transformed into a showcase for your most cherished memories. Every month or season, swap out the photos for different ones. With each photo change, you breathe new life into your decor, preserving moments that deserve to be celebrated every day. Who knew that a simple frame could hold so much sentimental value and add such delightful charm to your home? Happy DIYing!

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